Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > Sacred Space and Spirituality


Safe Space Sacred Space

On My Knees

Oct 14, 2015


Everyone is Welcome Here

Living in LOVE beyond Beliefs

Golden sanctuary

I rejoiced
when they said to me,
"Let us go into the House of the Lord."

*Psalm 122.1, Jewish Scriptures

Once a pastor provided me access to his church during a time of intense spiritual seeking in my life. While practicing walking meditation one morning on the church grounds, an image formed in my mind. A wooden and empty boat was sitting on water. The boat was securely tied to a small pier by a rope. It was firmly anchored to guard against it floating about aimlessly. I am not certain of all the meanings in the image. An intense going inward during that tempestuous time was certainly anchoring me. I could have easily rushed into making a mistake or aimlessly wandered without any sense of direction or security. I could have wasted much time worrying and indulging in self-pity. But I was securely situated and patiently waiting in the Spirit. I felt safe and kept even though the waters held the threat of carrying me away. And the sacred space at the altar and before the Table of the Lord and the cross reminded me the sanctuary was a place of anchoring. That holy space was key to keeping me out of homeless exile. I spent hundreds of hours over many months at that sanctu­ary, until the time came that their was a sense it had served its purpose.

There appears an innate and archtypal pattern in human conscious­ness from which various religions and artists express the requisite of healthy, safe space for living out genuine humanness. This means space to nurture the Sacred is not an addendum to human living, but is integral and essential to humanness and community. Restoration of this sensitivity is needed for our human ideals to flower and flourish among us. We are essentially sacred beings, and sacred, friendly space reminds us we are beings in Grace, and not doings measured by what we can do. That is, space apart for sharing with the Holy, however we understand or envision that, orients us to our true Calling and Nature as beings and communions of beings and, finally, as a Communion together mutually interconnected and reliant on one another for our common good and the care of and cooperation with Creation.

*Arem Nahariim-Samadhi

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here you are down on your knees again


Grace and Peace to All

The Sacred in Me bows to the Sacred in You

*Move your cursor over photos to see photographer and name of photo.

*Lotus of the Heart is a Work of Arem Nahariim-Samadhi. Bless You Each & All!


Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > Sacred Space and Spirituality

©Brian Wilcox 2024